Wednesday Drill of the Week: Tiger Transition

Tiger Transition

A full ice transition drill.

The drill starts with the three F’s (in black O’s in the neutral zone) attacking the offensive zone 3v0. They attack the blue line, make a play behind the net and then get a shot.

The as the O forwards attack the net, the X players (green lines) step out and simulate a neutral zone regroup (started by the coach). The O defensemen gap up and play a 3v2 rush vs the X forwards with the X D joining.

After the O forwards get a shot on net, they backcheck the play into defensive zone coverage. Now the X’s and the O’s play 5v5 in zone.

The drill creates a transitional sequence offensively (neutral zone play) and defensively (backchecking from a shot on net). It forces the players to play in situations that arise naturally in a hockey game and make the correct reads and decisions.

Wednesday Drill of the Week: Yale 2v1 Series

A different format for this weeks drill. We use an iPad app called Educreations to share things with our players. You can view this weeks drill here.

This is a 2v1 quick hitter series and is continuous. Forwards should focus on quick attacks, getting to the net. Defensemen need to have good sticks and awareness, being ready to clear rebounds and eliminate secondary threats.

Scoring Goals (Video)

On Saturday, I linked to a highlight video showcasing the goals scored in Game 2 of the Rangers/Canadiens series.

I took a more indepth look at that video today – check out the full breakdown here:

Scoring Goals

Last night’s game between the Rangers and the Canadiens was a clinic on how to score goals and generate offense in today’s game. You want to score more? Watch what these pros do, where they go and how these goals are scored:

Wednesday Drill of the Week: 2v2 Net Jump

A small area game this week that encourages transitional play and strong defensive positioning.

2v2 Net Jump.jpg

In this diagram, the O’s are attacking the net on the right, the X’s are attacking the net on the left. The rotation of the game is offense, defense, done. You are introduced into the game with a pass from the defensive players – in this diagram, the defensive O’s pass to the next two players in line who then go on offense.

The rules: you have to cross the center line with the puck (middle of the net) before you can attack the net offensively – it can either be a pass or skate. Defensive players have to backcheck to the crease before they can defend. This gives the offensive team an opportunity to attack quickly and teaches the defensive team to defend from the netfront out.

The game plays 2v2 with the teams keeping the play going – the defensive players pass to their line, the players who were on offense go to defense and two new players step out and attack, crossing the mid line before they try to score.

Wednesday Drill of the Week: Shamrock Chip

Shamrock Chip

Shamrock Chip – a breakout/shooting drill incorporating a few individual skill elements.

The drill starts with Forwards on the blue line in line with the dots, a D at the top of the circle. F1 on the far side skates in with the puck and takes a shot. F2 in line with the D will exchange a puck while the D skates backwards and then opens up to make a breakout pass. The F comes down to the hashmark area to receive.

The F who exchanged with the D then skates up ice while F1 who took the long shot sprints to support. F2 will attack towards the dot line and chip a puck past the tire for F1 to receive. F1 then enters the zone looking to shoot far pad while F2 drives the net for a rebound. The D will follow the play up, receiving a pass from a coach for a third shot with a tip/screen.

D will work on their agility, making a good first breakout pass and joining the rush.

F will work on their ability to receive a breakout pass, make an indirect pass to a streaking player, and then drive the net while also shooting far pad.

Wednesday Drill of the Week: Bandits Backcheck

Bandits Backcheck.jpg

A backcheck/transition drill this week.

The drill starts with five O players stationary – two F’s below the goal line, one high F3 and two D on the blueline. X starts with the puck on the half wall.

On the whistle, X takes off with the puck. The D play the rush while F3 backpressures the puck carrier (or however you structure your backchecks). Either the D or F3 angle the puck carrier into the wall and force a turnover while the other player retrieves the puck and quickly transitions it up ice to either F. The defensive team then transitions to a 3v0 attack on net (D join the play).

To add another element to the drill, place two defensive D down low with the forwards below the goal line for a 3v2 offensive attack.

I really like this drill as a transition, gap, reattack game scenario for all players involved.

Wednesday Drill of the Week: 10 Minute Drill


A fun competition drill this week. Forwards vs D & Goalies.

Set the clock to 10 minutes. The forwards have to score 15 goals – if they do they win, if not the D & Goalies win.

The drill starts with the two F’s closest to the Coach getting a pass and going in 2v0. They get one look at the net and then the play is done. Coach will give them a second puck where they go down 2v1 on a D (same one look at the net).

The two F’s now pick up a third from the far corner (with a puck) and go down on 2 new D, 3v2. After the 3v2 ends, the 3rd F who joined then gets a breakaway.

After the breakaway ends, the drill starts over. If the Forwards score 15 (or more!) they win.

A great drill to do to end practice, it’s fun for the team and has a great compete element. Losing has consequences!

Wednesday Drill of the Week: Peewee to Pro

Peewee to Pro.jpg

A great continuous passing drill today. Can be done with any level (hence the name…)

The drill starts with all the players lined up at the redline. The first player (black line) goes around the far cone, second player (green) goes around the second cone and the third player (blue) carries a puck around the first cone. Blue passes to green who passes to black. Black then goes in and takes a shot on net. Blue and green now continue on with purple starting the next puck. Going around the opposite set of cones, purple takes a puck around the first cone and passes to blue. Blue has moved from the first cone to the second cone, receives the pass and gives it to green. Green has gone around the third cone (from the second) and now goes in and takes a shot. It becomes continuous, with each player going around the next cone in the sequence.

As the players get the hang of the drill (shouldn’t take too long), you can then move half of the team to the other side and have both sides going at once. This will work to stress the system of your players, needing them to play with their head up and move the puck quickly to avoid head on collisions.

Wednesday Drill of the Week: Cutback Shooting

Overlap Shooting.jpg

An individual skill drill for forwards this week. The drill starts with X1 (black) carrying a puck on a wide drive outside the dots. Continuing to drive below the goal line, X1 then executes a cutback. X2 (green) times his departure, leaving so that he will arrive below the goal line at an appropriate time to execute an overlap (or scissor) move with X1. On this overlap, X1 drops the puck to X2. X2 then drives towards the back of the net and cuts back, creating space to make a play. X1 has now continued to find the soft spot in the zone (just inside the dot). X2 passes to X1 who catches & shoots on net.

Forwards should focus on their individual habits in this drill – playing with their head up, keeping their hands away from their body, making plays at speed. Coaches can add in token defensive pressure on the drive and on the overlap play to help simulate game play.