
I’m Chris Hall, currently the Assistant Men’s Hockey Coach at Colby College in Waterville, Maine. I have worked in college hockey for eight years and I spend my summers working camps and teaching the great game of hockey.

My goal with this blog is to share my thoughts on the game of hockey and the experiences of life. I’m a big believer in personal development and growth and I will share some of those messages, as well as plenty of drills and ideas about how to be a better coach and teacher of the game.

One Response to About

  1. Hi. My name is Charles Duhigg, and I’m the author of The Power of Habit. I was writing to say thanks for mentioning the book on your site earlier this year, and to ask: the paperback of The Power of Habit is coming out on January 7; can I send you a review copy?

    The idea behind releasing the paperback in January is there might be a bunch of people who are interested in changing their habits in the New Year. For instance, studies indicate that if you want to develop a running habit in 2014, you should choose a cue like putting your running shoes next to your bed every morning. And then, give yourself a reward – like a piece of chocolate – when you get home from jogging. That way, the cue and the reward become neurologically intertwined. Eventually, when your brain sees your sneakers, it starts craving the reward, and that makes it easier to hit the pavement each day. And in a couple of weeks, you won’t need the treat anymore – your brain will come to see the workout as a reward itself.

    If I can send you a copy of The Power of Habit paperback, please just send me your name and mailing address. Or, if you would like to chat about how habits can transform your readers’ lives, please don’t hesitate to be in touch.

    To a happy and healthy 2014!

    Charles Duhigg

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